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Here are some thoughts from our customers...

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Our passion for our craft is second to none. By being available to and willing to share our knowledge we help our customers reach their imaging goals with ease.

We love it when our past customers become our best marketing advocates. When that happens we know we have done our job well!

    I had an absolute blast at the workshop I attended. Certainly nice that the workshop is all inclusive, makes it much easier when all you have to think about for seven days is photography and all other concerns have been handled. While all aspects of lodging, dining, and transportation have been taken care of, the clear focus here is on capturing some great pictures, and we did exactly that! Every shoot was well thought out. From our arrival and departure times, to our specific location and pre-planning for what we should be expecting to see. As any photographer might tell you, you can't control the weather, but Tim always had backup plans in place. My favorite part of the workshop was the help that was available to me at all times. I am an intermediate photographer (though my wife my question that...) and Tim always had thoughts on technique, preparation, and composition when I wanted them.

    M Vamos

    Hard to describe what a great experience this was. I asked for and received help any time I was in need. As a newer photographer I was intimidate by the idea of going to a workshop like this. I felt like I might be overwhelmed by all the information that might be coming at me. Let me tell Mr. Neumann put me at ease right away. Though I know he will be laughing at me right, he kept saying "Mr. Neumann is my dad, call me Tim" LOL. Anyways, I came home with some great images, probably better than I have ever gotten before and knowing a lot more then when I got to the workshop. I highly recommend any classes and workshops Soft Lite Studios has to offer. You won't be sorry!

    L Smith

    I took Tim's Off Camera Flash workshop (Flash Dance) and wow did I have fun. We got to shoot a variety of gear in a variety of different configurations and was it ever eye opener. There is so much more to off camera lighting than I had imagined, but with the information presented at this workshop I now know what is possible and in which direction I want to head. Thanks Tim!

    D Armstrong

    Fun, fun, fun. Great time in this class. Learned a ton of stuff from Tim. He is very patient and knowledgable. The course was well organized, and delivered in a clear and understandable manner. Can't wait to see what classes Tim offers next!

    B Stover