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  • Tim D. Neumann

    Owner, SoftLite Studios

    A Few Words About Tim…

    With over forty (40) years of experience in photography and print production, Tim Neumann has a wealth of experience in capturing, creating, and crafting fine art images. Starting in the film days, Tim spent copious hours behind the lens and in the darkroom. Never content with run-of-the-mill image output, he always looked for ways to push his images to the next step. Whether searching for new shooting techniques or looking for innovative ways to create more compelling prints, Tim was always interested in all facets of fine art imaging.

    With the advent of the digital era in imaging, Tim was all in, embracing digital formats and tools in both image capture and post-production disciplines. From being one of the earliest adopters of digital cameras to using the very first edition of Photoshop, Tim has always taken the leading edge in the digital world.

    He has always felt and continues to embrace the notion that capturing the scene is only 50% of the final image equation. With equal emphasis on photographic technique and post-production discipline, Tim is the ideal mentor to take your photographic imaging pursuits to the next level. His in-classroom and in-field teaching styles make advanced imaging easier for even the most novice photographer. Tim is the ideal instructor to learn from if you wish to improve your imaging craft.